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Our courts are calling for those who are down for a dodging good time! Whether you are an Average Joe or Purple Cobra, you’ll love our balls. Constructed of soft foam in two sizes for males and females, our balls never leave embarrassing marks for you to explain at the post-game happy hour. Want to learn the 5 d’s of dodgeball? Come join Summit Play Dodgeball League and learn how to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!


With a maximum of 6-8 players, 1 being female, it makes the game pretty interesting! Take yourself back to middle school with the game of dodgeball and its competitiveness.


Games will be Tuesday nights from 7:00-9:00pm at River of Life GJ's gym on 29 Rd! Take it one step further and hit the bar with us after your games to take on your dodgeball opponent in flip cup and for exclusive happy hour deals. Yep, that’s right – the bar is just as important as making it to your dodgeball games! Come out, play dodgeball, meet new people, and HAVE FUN. Fill your Fall with fun by registering now!

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